Over the years, the Dragon Ball series has evolved from a supernatural martial arts anime to a show about multiversal aliens battling gods with the fate of the universe on the line. Due to this progression, it makes sense that things can get a little confusing when it comes to the series’ order of operations, even when we are just dealing with the first series. Don’t worry, though, as we’ve got everything you need to know about how to watch Dragon Ball in order right here.
All Dragon Ball Episodes & Seasons in Order
Son Goku’s Boyhood Group
- Emperor Pilaf Saga (Ep. 1-13)Movie 1: Curse of the Blood Rubies (alternate plot)Tournament Saga (Ep. 14-28)Movie 2: Sleeping Princess in Devil’s Castle (extended plot)
Red Ribbon Army Group
- Red Ribbon Army Saga (Ep. 29-45)Movie 4: The Path to Power (altered re-telling of the plot)General Blue Saga (Ep. 46-57)Commander Red Saga (Ep. 58-67)Fortuneteller Baba Saga (Ep. 68-83)
Piccolo Group
- Tien Shinhan Saga (Ep. 84-101)Movie 3: Mystical Adventure (alternate plot)King Piccolo Saga (Ep. 102-122)Piccolo Jr. Saga (Ep. 123-153)
For the most part, Dragon Ball has a pretty straightforward watch order. The only thing that might confuse people is where the movies fall in line with everything. As you can see above, most of the films are either an alternate version of what happened within the saga it is listed under or an altered re-telling of the plot.
Movie 1: Curse of the Blood Rubies (alternate plot)
Movie 2: Sleeping Princess in Devil’s Castle (extended plot)
Movie 4: The Path to Power (altered re-telling of the plot)
Movie 3: Mystical Adventure (alternate plot)
The Path to Power is the only one that goes a bit backward, as it rehashes the Red Ribbon Army saga a while after it had already been done and dusted. The Sleeping Princess in Devil’s Castle is also just an extended plot that showcases a bit more of the story of how Goku and Krillin began their training with Master Roshi.
All Dragon Ball Z Episodes & Seasons in Order
Saiyan Group
- Raditz Saga (Ep. 1-6)Vegeta Saga (Ep. 7-35)
Frieza Group
- Namek Saga (Ep. 36-67)Captain Ginyu Saga (Ep. 68-74)Frieza Saga (Ep. 75-107)
Frieza-Androids Interlude
- Garlic Jr. Saga (Ep. 108-116)Trunks Saga (Ep. 118-125)
Androids Group
- Androids Saga (Ep. 126-139)Imperfect Cell Saga (Ep. 140-152)Perfect Cell Saga (Ep. 153-165)Cell Games Saga (Ep. 166-194)
Majin Buu Group
- Other World Saga (Ep. 195-199)Great Saiyaman Saga (Ep. 200-209)World Tournament Saga (Ep. 210-219)Babidi Saga (Ep. 220-231)Majin Buu Saga (Ep. 232-253)Fusion Saga (Ep. 254-275)Kid Buu Saga (Ep. 276-287)
Ending Group
- Gods of the Universe SagaMovie. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of GodsMovie. Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’Peaceful World Saga (Ep. 288-291)
All Dragon Ball GT Episodes & Seasons in Order
Grand Tour Group
- Black Star Dragon Ball Saga (Ep. 1-16)Baby Saga (Ep. 17-40)Super 17 Saga (Ep. 41-47)Shadow Dragon Saga (Ep. 48-64)
All Dragon Ball Super Episodes & Seasons in Order
Gods of the Universe Group
- God of Destruction Beerus Saga (Ep. 1-15)Golden Frieza Saga (Ep. 16-27)
Zeno Group
- Universe 6 Saga (Ep. 28-41)Copy-Vegeta Saga (Ep. 42-46)“Future” Trunks Saga (Ep. 47-76)Universe Survival Saga (Ep. 77-131)
Universe 7 Group
- Broly SagaDragon Ball Super: BrolyGalactic Patrol Prisoner Saga Granolah the Survivor Saga
At the moment, the Broly Saga is as far as the anime has gotten in terms of adapting the manga. We’ve included the rest of the manga chapters that have yet to be adapted for this section, as well as everything that is expected for Dragon Ball Super Dragon Ball Heroes below as well. Just be sure to read at your own risk of spoilers.
Movie. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of GodsMovie. Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’
Dragon Ball Super: Broly
All Dragon Ball Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episodes & Seasons in Order
Demon Realm Mission Group
- Dark Demon Realm SagaDark Empire SagaDark King Mechikabura Saga
Universe Mission Group
- Prison Planet SagaUniversal Conflict Saga
Big Bang Mission Group
- Universe Creation SagaNew Space-Time War Saga
Ultra God Mission Group
Supreme Kai of Time Saga
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