The Sweeping Edge is a special feature in Minecraft that enables players to raise the damage that their swords cause to their enemies significantly, albeit for a short period of time. It is one of the many enchantments and effects that players can add to their tools and weapons.

What is the Sweeping Edge?

As discussed earlier, the Sweeping Edge is one of the many enchantments that are available to players to add to their tools and weapons in Minecraft. The Sweeping Edge enchantment boosts the sweeping version of a player’s attack by adding more damage to the attack. A sweeping attack is a downward motion of a sword and it usually results in an enemy being knocked back. Sweeping Edge enchantments can only be obtained if a player has an attack recharge meter of 84.8% or higher and if the player is either standing still or walking.

This means that if a player has an attack recharge meter score that is lower than 84.8% and if their movement is quicker than that of a walk, they will be unable to obtain the Sweeping Edge enchantment.

There are a total of 3 levels of enchantments, and these levels raise attacks in the following ways:

  • Sweeping Edge Level 1 – 50% Sweeping Damage
  • Sweeping Edge Level 2 – 67% Sweeping Damage
  • Sweeping Edge Level 3 – 75% Sweeping Damage


One thing to note, the Sweeping Edge enchantment is available solely in the Java Edition of Minecraft, which means if you play any other edition of the game you will be unable to use this enchantment.

How to Get Sweeping Edge In Minecraft

The Sweeping Edge enchantment can be added to any sword using an anvil or an enchanting table via an Enchanted book. These books can be found in the Minecraft world in treasure chests. They can also be found by going fishing, crawling dungeons, or even traded with villagers for emeralds.

If you have OP permissions, you can use a command to obtain the Sweeping Edge enchantment. Tools or weapons that have been enchanted with the Sweeping Edge can also be disenchanted or combined with other enchantments to make even more powerful better-performing items.

As can be seen from today’s article, the Sweeping Edge enchantment is a really powerful addition to enhance and improve your attack. If you enjoyed this guide check out our guide on How To Update Minecraft Education Edition. Also, we have a detailed guide on Minecraft Enchantments that will help you to amplify your weapon power.