There are a total of 14 suits in Gotham Knights, and there are different ways to unlock them. So for one, you might need to beat some enemies, but for another, you will have to complete some challenges. But you should have no trouble getting them after knowing how. So in this guide check out how you can unlock all 14 suits in Gotham Knights.

How to Unlock All Suits in Gotham Knights

Depending on the suit you can unlock it by completing certain tasks or by crafting them. Here are all the suits in the game:

  • New Guard Suit
  • Beyond Suit
  • Knightwatch Suit
  • Eternal Suit
  • Talon Suit
  • Metal Suit
  • Neon Noir Suit
  • Knight Ops Suit
  • Privateer Suit
  • Year One Suit
  • Titan Suit
  • Demon Suit
  • Shinobi Suit
  • Knighthood Suit

Below I have only mentioned the things you need to do to unlock the suit. So I suggest you check our dedicated guide on how to unlock Transmogs & Colorways if you are looking to get those.

New Guard Suit

This is the suit you start your game with, so you get it by default. Thus you don’t have to manually unlock it.

Knightwatch Suit

To unlock the Knightwatch suit you need to either purchase the Deluxe Edition of the game or the Visionary pack.

Beyond Suit

Just like the Knightwatch Suit, you need to buy Deluxe Edition or the Visionary pack of the game to unlock the Beyond Suit.

Eternal Suit

Defeat enemies to get it as a drop from them and this will unlock the Eternal Suit.

Talon Suit

This is one of the hardest suits to unlock in this game. You first need to complete chapter 2.2 “The Powers Club” of the game. Next while roaming around Gotham, you will come across areas with a special energy signature. When near one Alfred will call and alert you about it.

After you get the call start searching the walls for any murals with green glowing highlights. Scan them and open the Talon Caches. There are a total of 5 of them. Here are the locations where you can find them:

  • Ocran Chemicals (Lower Gotham)
  • Gotham City Hall (Old Gotham)
  • Gotham City University (North Gotham)
  • Financial District (Downtown Gotham)
  • Falcone Residence (New Gotham)

Metal Suit

Defeat enemies to get it as a drop from them and this will unlock the Metal Suit.

Neon Noir Suit

Defeat enemies to get it as a drop from them and this will unlock the Neon Noir Suit.

Knight Ops Suit

You can unlock the Knight Ops suit after finding all the secret caches of Batman.

Privateer Suit

Defeat enemies to get it as a drop from them and this will unlock the Privateer Suit.

Year One Suit

Just like the Privateer suit, you need to defeat enemies to unlock the Year One suit as a drop from them.

Titan Suit

You will have to complete the Knighthood challenge for every character that you wish to unlock the suit off. So you need to complete One Step Ahead, Against All Odds, and Timed Strikes for all 4 characters.

Demon Suit

You can unlock the Demon suit by defeating the enemies and getting it as a drop for them. But this suit can drop only once you reach the late game.

Shinobi Suit

You can unlock the Shinobi suit by getting it as a drop for defeating enemies. And similar to the Demon suit, this will also be available after you reach the late game.

Knighthood Suit

You can unlock the Knighthood Suit by completing the main story of the game.

That covers this guide on all suits in Gotham Knights and how to unlock them. I suggest you also check our guides on how to disable pressure plates and how to find promethium in this game.