The Last Guardian is an Action-Adventure game created by Japan Studio and GenDesign which was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It is a gorgeous game where you play as a boy with his pal Trico, venture around an unknown place, and try to escape it. At one point, during the escape, you will land up Stuck on a Tree. If you want to escape the place, you will need to get down from your predicament. In this guide, I will show you how to solve the Stuck in Tree Puzzle in The Last Guardian.

How to Solve the Stuck in Tree Puzzle in The Last Guardian

After falling from a cliff, you will awake Stuck in a Tree in the Last Guardian. You will be hanging by the back of your clothing which will lead you into a choke. As such, you will need to get down as quickly as possible. The Puzzle is pretty simple. When you are Stuck on the Tree, you will have to struggle & call Trico. Doing this will get Trico’s attention & he will try to get you down.

Once Trico realizes what is happening, he will jump up above you. After that, he will hoist his tail near you. Now you will have to grab the Tail and climb up his back. From there you will descend to the floor below. After that, you will have to Feed Trico. At the bottom, there will be a Barrel Puzzle. The solution to that puzzle is also simple. You will have to lift the Barrel and throw it to the platforms and catch it before it rolls down. Climb the stairs and drop the Barrel in front of Trico and he will eat it. This will give him energy for the next Puzzle.

This was all about solving the Stuck in Tree Puzzle in The Last Guardian. Hopefully, this guide has helped you. You can also check out our guides on our Website, Gamer Tweak.