We’ve arrived at the final week 10 Resistance quest. We will be returning to Command Cavern once again following the previous quest. This one has more steps than usual so let’s get to it. Here’s how to set up a generator & activate the Holotable in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
How To Establish Device Uplink
The first of these steps is the usual opening objective that tasks you with “Establish Device Uplink near Command Cavern.”
This hologram audio log is in a slightly unusual place. You’ll find it outside on the southeastern edge of the Command Cavern mountain, right by this wind tunnel.
How To Set Up A Generator & Activate the Holotable in Fortnite
With this done that is everything you need to know for how to set up a generator & activate the Holotable in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
- Once you have touched the hologram audio log you will get the first of your upcoming objectives of “Set up a generator near the Holotable inside Command Cavern.” You’ll need to make your way to the north entrance to Command Cavern and head towards this dug out area in the mountain. Go straight and then left at the walkway intersection. You’ll come up to a door you cannot open. To the right of this door is a vent you’ll have to enter from the hatch just like when dealing with the control panels. This is a sneaky way to get around the locked door. Once inside the AC vent, continue along the path and take the first hatch on the left you find. It will exit onto a walkway with some stairs to the right. Go down the stairs all the way and you’ll spot a ghostly spot next to the big square table. Walk up to it and hold the button shown on screen to set up the generator. With this done your objective will change to “Insert Control Keys into the Holotable inside Command Cavern.” There will be two glowing spots at the front of the table. Interact with these to progress the quest. Once they are both inserted you get the final objective to “Activate the Holotable inside Command Cavern.” Simply walk up to the table and hold the button shown on screen and the quest will complete.
This is a sneaky way to get around the locked door.
There will be two glowing spots at the front of the table. Interact with these to progress the quest.
Simply walk up to the table and hold the button shown on screen and the quest will complete.
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