Combat forms the core of Mass Effect. And to do your best against your enemies, you need to know how to sprint. If you’ve picked up the 3-in-1 game, you might be confused about how to make your character run. Sometimes you may want to flank an enemy or bash right into them with your weapon and moving faster is crucial at such moments. The controls are simple so without further ado, let’s get right into how to run in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

How to Run in Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

To run fast in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, you have to press and hold the X button (PlayStation), A button (Xbox). On PC, it’s the Spacebar key by default. This will make you sprint and gain speed for a limited time period until you get tired so Stamina will matter in this case. The Stamina bar is right above your HP bar therefore take your decisions about sprinting in the game accordingly. Make sure to not waste these Stamina unless absolutely necessary. Also, note that these buttons remain consistent for Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 so you don’t have to worry about changing controls.

Sprinting will come in handy on multiple occasions. You can use it when you want to run towards an enemy who was previously out of reach. Or you could run to get to cover. Additionally, you can also sprint out of combat in Mass Effect Legendary Edition if your enemies are too powerful at that point. Make sure to manage your health and send your squad mates till you restore your health.

That’s all about how to run in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. If you are curious to know how to get more weapons, armor, redeem face codes and more about level scaling (Legendary mode vs Classic mode). Find more in our Mass Effect LE guides on Gamer Tweak!