Apex Legends Mobile brings the ultimate battle royale shooter and multiplayer game onto your mobile devices. While it has been not out for long, it has grabbed the attention of several Apex players. With a wide range of characters and mechanics, players are divided into teams of three for different matches. But for some players, teams of random players can be a bit of a distraction. So, several players are looking to play solo in Apex Legends Mobile. But can you play solo in Apex Legends? Check out our guide to find out.

Can You Play Solo in Apex Legends Mobile? (Explained)

The answer to that question is, No! As of now, you cannot play solo mode in the mobile version of Apex Legends. To add further, there is no solo mode for other supported platforms as well. Although Epic featured the Duo and Solo modes for a limited time, they didn’t continue with the latter. It was during the Iron Crown Event for the Season 2. And that is because of the negative impact caused to the pure battle royale-based gameplay of Apex. The Community Manager @EA_David quoted the following:

“We’ve also purposely designed Legends and their abilities to compliment team-play and squad composition, but when played Solo some Legend abilities become useless.”

One of the other reasons for the solo not getting a permanent place is because of the balance in matchmaking issues. But with the mobile version, things might take a different turn of events. We can at least hope that the devs drop solo gameplay mode for a limited time during an event. And if at all fit right, players can also potentially get this mode permanently.

That being said, we will update this article if that happens in the future.

Until then, that’s everything covered about how to play solo in Apex Legends Mobile. If you liked this guide, check out our other guides on how to play and how to log out of the Apex Legends Mobile right here on Gamer Tweak.