Catalyst is the new agent added to the Roaster in Apex Legends. This one is a defensive player, which means she can be a powerful support for the team. She can summon Piercing Spikes that eat up enemies’ health and Barricade that can lock enemies inside a room. Dark Viel is her ultimate ability that brings in a wall of ferrofluid that blocks enemies’ vision for a brief period of time. Playing as Catalyst can be tough for beginners. Here are some tips on how to play as Catalyst and use her abilities to win matches in Apex Legends.

How to win as Catalyst in Apex Legends?

For defensive gameplay, you have to bit ahead of time. It means understanding where enemies are moving and having a firm insight into their attack range. You can use Catalyst’s Barricade ability to already lock major checkpoints. This will slow down the enemy and give your allies some time to be in position. Place Piercing Spikes a few seconds before you fall into enemy attack range. Because anyhow they will run towards you and will crash into the spikes looing health.

Do not cast the Ultimate Ability at any point, reserve this when there are few of your allies left. Dark Veil is more like a defensive tool that can be used to evade or block enemy ambush. Remember the following pointers when you are playing as Catalyst in Apex Legends.

  • Use Barricade only on broken doors to block openings.
  • Use Barricade to trap enemies, any player playing as Caustic can throw a Gas Grenade and cause high damage.
  • Barricade is the best defense against chasing enemies, just find an entrance and lock it.
  • Summon Spikes when enemies have less to no chance to run away. Or when enemies are chasing you.
  • You can throw Spikes behind doors where which will be used by other players. It is a smart move to cause damage.
  • Dark Veil affects vision, and other legends cannot cancel this attack.
  • Use Dark Veil to push enemies in different directions.
  • Dark Veil can also be used as a mode to review enemies, when they are down but in range of attack.

Catalyst Agent’s power falls more on the defensive side. That is why players will have to move slowly, and let others take the lead. Use your abilities to inflict more damage or to simply block enemies’ vision if there is no way out. Using abilities will eat up a few seconds of your time in the animation. You have to be very quick in this process.

Hope the above tips and tricks will help you to play as Catalyst in Apex Legends and win matches. In case you want to know more about other characters then check this guide – Apex Legends Character Ranked List.