In Evil Dead The Game, Annie Knowby belongs to the Leader Class. Being the daughter of Professor Raymond Knowby she knows what to do to defeat the evil unleashed by the Necronomicon. Her unique skill allows her to temporarily locate objective items from a great distance and increase ranged weapons and balance bar damage of other Survivors in her presence. If you are wondering how to play Annie in Evil Dead The Game keep reading ahead.
How to Play as Annie in Evil Dead The Game
Annie is a Leader Class and the role of a Leader Class is to decrease the fear level and increase the damage inflicted by their teammates. Apart from this Annie possesses the Active Skill “Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts” which when activated increases the ranged damage dealt by Annie and nearby teammates. Annie possesses three Passive Skills :
Table of Contents
- Howitzer
- Haymaker
- Slugger
Annie and her teammates present in the aura’s radius deal increased range damage.
Haymaker is unlocked after Level 10. When activated allows Annie and her teammates are present in the aura’s radius to deal increased balance bar damage to Standard enemy units.
Slugger is a Level 25 skill and when activated allows Annie and her teammates present in the aura’s radius to deal increased balance bar damage to Elite and Boss enemy units.
Annie is the perfect character to pick if your game is based on a team player. Here is a short build on how to play Annie in Evil Dead The Game. We recommend you have a Skill Tree developed to at least Level 25 for the build and good reflexes.
Concentrate on building your health, stamina, and shield from start to mid game. Don’t forget Annie can sense the location of objectives for a temporary moment. Share and use this ability to find the hidden pieces of maps.
From mid to end game concentrate your upgrades on the range, melee, and fear. The aura used by Annie helps deal critical damage so be surrounded by your teammates and improve your defense.
Remember Annie is not a character who can do it all alone, you will need the support of your team all the way. That’s it on how to play Annie in Evil Dead The Game. Since you are here why don’t you check out Evil Dead what are the best weapons, which survivor class to choose, and other guides, tips, and tricks on Evil Dead The Game right here on GamerTweak.