Since Fortnite’s inception, players have complained about how toilsome the grind to Tier 100 can be. Luckily, Epic Games fielded this complaint, and responded to Fortnite players with the phenomenon of Supercharged XP.
In Fortnite, Supercharged XP provides players with a means to power-level their way to Tier 100. Players will need to know how to activate this bonus, which will unlock a temporary, four-tier boost, literally supercharging experience gains until the bonus runs out.
What is Supercharged XP?
Supercharged XP gives Fortnite players exactly what its name promises. The supercharged experience bonus lasts for approximately 320,000 XP, and players can utilize this experience bonus so long as its activated on their account.
Supercharged XP doesn’t apply to discovering landmarks or uncovering previously undiscovered parts of the map. All other actions in the game, however, are impacted by it, such as head-shot kills, searching ammo boxes and chests, and foraging for goods, to name a few.
For players unsure if the supercharged experience effect is active, they will notice the XP bar will have turned gold instead of purple, and a small white lightning bolt will flash to indicate that players have used the effect to its full potential.
How to Activate Supercharged XP
For Fortnite players looking to obtain Supercharged XP during Season 1, they will need to login anytime between November 30 to December 1st on their corresponding platform. After logging in, players will notice the XP boost will be locked to their account.
What this means is that as long as players redeem their XP bonus over the weekend, they will be able to continue using it until they’ve gone through all four tiers of experience.
Supercharge the Supercharged
A clever method for getting the most experience possible is for players to combine the supercharged experience bonus with the weekly challenges. Week 8’s challenges involve swimming time trials, and if players complete it while their experience is supercharged, they’ll find themselves soaring through to level 100 and beyond.
This is the second time since Fortnite returned in October that a Supercharged XP bonus has been implemented. The first was implemented between October 19th - 20th.
Fortnite is free-to-play on Mobile, PC. PS4. Switch. and Xbox One.