Players on Xbox have often come across the 0x87e50033 error code. This code is quite a common occurrence on Xbox and has been a part of the system for several years. This makes it quite easy to fix, and in this guide, we will show you all of the possible solutions you can use to rectify it.

Xbox Error Code 0x87e50033 Fix

Quick Start your Xbox

One of the first steps you can take to try and rectify the 0x87e50033 error code is to do a quick power start on your Xbox.

To do so, you first need to make sure your console is on. Once you confirm that the console is on and running, hold the Xbox button for a period of 15 seconds. You need to do so until the Xbox shuts down.

Once the console switches off, remove all of the cables attached to it. After a few minutes or so, attach the cables once again. Once you do so, restart the device by simply pressing the Xbox button.

Doing so should hopefully work to fix the 0x87e50033 error code. If it does not, you can try some of the other solutions mentioned in this guide.

Check for Updates

You should check your Xbox console to see if there are any pending software updates that you may have missed. If you do find any updates, download them. This can probably solve the occurrence of the error code.

Check Xbox Live

Another useful step you can take to fix the 0x87e50033 error code in Xbox is to check out the Xbox Live website. On this website, you will be able to view any server issues and outages. This is because this particular error code usually occurs due to servers being under maintenance or because they could be down.

This website displays the status of servers and games that are affected by outages and errors. This will make it easy to determine if the error code is a result of server issues or console problems. The best part about this website is the fact that it is an official Microsoft page.

In order to subscribe to updates about server status, you will need to log in to the website with your Xbox account.

These were all of the possible solutions to the Xbox 0x87e50033 error code. Since this error occurs due to discrepancies on the part of Microsoft, you can expect quick fixes from them whenever the issue occurs.

Now that you know how to fix the 0x87e50033 error code, check out our guide on how to fix the E102 Error Code in Xbox.