Fortnite Season 8 saw the return of the cubes which are on the move around the island. In addition, the season has introduced a mysterious new world known as The Sideways. When you activate smaller anomalies, you can push back The Sideways and fight off the Cube Assassin. Similarly, you can visit the large Sideways bubble shown on the map to start your match off with some strong loot. The most recent Sideways weapon that was added to Fortnite is a Sideways Scythe. With many players eager to add one to their arsenal, this is how you can get one.
The Sideways Scythe allows you to perform different attacks while you have the weapon selected. By just using the melee button, you will be able to do a combination of five attacks. One is a jump attack which can be done by jumping up in the air and pressing your melee button. Then, you will accelerate down as the weapon hits the ground, damaging any enemy that crosses its path. Also, if you hold down your aim button, you will be able to run with the weapon at a faster speed for a few seconds. This is useful to escape a sticky situation, or you can pair it with the melee button to perform a spin attack.
How to get a Sideways Scythe in Fortnite
To get the Sideways Scythe, you have to open chests. These are purple chests that are only found in The Sideways and Sideways anomalies. To increase your chances at getting the melee weapon, you should land in The Sideways right away. It is always best to open as many chests as you can before your opponents find them.
To level up the rarity of your Sideways Scythe in Fortnite, you will have to accumulate enough cube monster parts. Once you kill monsters in The Sideways, they will drop the resource you need. The unique weapon can definitely be devastating at close range, quickly destroying enemy builds. Taking a melee weapon to a gunfight can be a good idea after all.