In Bungie’s Destiny 2, players return to a mythical, science-fiction world as the protectors of Earth’s Last City, struggling to protect it from various alien races such as the Cabal. Even two years later, the plot continues to advance through seasons that advance the story as well as provide other modes and gameplay.
In the newest post-release content, the Season of Dawn, guardians are reintroduced to key figures from the past including the enigmatic Osiris and the antagonistic Cabal, who seek to use the time-traveling Sundial created by the former for a very different purpose: reversing the devastating loss dealt to them in the Red War by the guardians, the Speaker, and the Traveler.
In many ways, the Sundial resembles the Menagerie introduced in the seventh season for veterans, albeit on a smaller scale. For the newest game mode, players will contend with a variety of missions within the activity before unlocking the gate to the final boss. Furthermore, guardians should know that they choose the loot rewarded at the end of a run, which cannot be failed. Among the possible activities encountered at the Sundial after unlocking access is Gatecrash, which can be confusing to complete at first. However, the activity boils down to a simple game of collecting and returning resources within five minutes.
Vex Minotaurs
Once Destiny 2 players begin Gatecrash, three sets of Vex will spawn around the arena: one Minotaur surrounded by some goblins. After disposing of the goblins and killing the Minotaur, it will drop an arc charge that can be picked up by players.
The Arc Charges
After being picked up, the arc charges will need to be brought to one of three nearby locations indicated by an objective marker. Note that while carrying a charge, players cannot double-jump and should take care to avoid obstacles such as the overflow of Vex liquid. Be aware that after a charge has been deposited at one spot, other charges cannot be brought to that same location. Once all three arc charges have been deposited all three locations, a boss will spawn at the middle of the arena.
Rinse and Repeat
After killing the boss, three new sets of Vex consisting of a Minotaur and goblins will spawn. Players will once again kill the Minotaur and bring their arc charges to the three locations, which spawns another boss in turn. This can be done up to three times if players are quick enough, after which the activity will be completed with maximum points even if there is still time remaining. In the end, Gatecrash and the Sundial are just one of several ways Season of Dawn further moves the story forward in-game.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.
Source: Destiny 2 Subreddit