Screen brightness is one of the leading causes of eye strain and headaches. Knowing how to adjust the screen brightness on your Windows computer is vital for your eye’s health. If you’re unsure, don’t worry; our guide will show you how to change brightness on Windows 10.

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Before we start, we want to point out that these methods mainly apply to laptop use. If you are on a Windows desktop, you can follow the same steps for a similar result.

Method 1: Change In Settings

1: Press the Windows Key + I

2. Select System, then Display

3. Use The Brightness Slider

In the Display menu, you will see a blue slider bar across from the word Brightness. Use this slider to adjust the brightness of your screen.

Method 2: Adaptive Brightness

To change screen brightness, follow the first two steps of Method 1, but the third step will vary.

3. Click on the Brightness

Next to where we used the brightness slider in method 1, there is a downward-facing arrow.

4. Check both boxes

In this little menu, there are two checkboxes. One will read Change brightness automatically when lighting changes. And the other will read Help improve battery by optimizing content shown and brightness.

Method 3: Adjusting with the Action Center

Bring up the Action Center by pressing the Windows Key + A simultaneously. Here you will see some options like Network and Bluetooth. What we are looking for is the brightness slider. This acts the same way as the slider bar in method 1. Slide to the left to brighten the screen and slide to the right to dim the screen.

Congratulations, you know the three methods to change your screen brightness on Windows 10 and 11. If you don’t feel it, your eyes will thank you in the long run.