Wondering how to become an actor in Bitlife? Just like in real life, there are a few steps you need to complete before you reached the coveted highly-paid actor spot. Even though this may look difficult if you don’t know how to go about it, this is pretty easy. You start off small but there are a few attributes you need to pay attention to right from the beginning.
Bitlife: How to Become an Actor (2022)
In BitLife, you’ll want a character with good looks attributes and then become a Voiceover Actor immediately after graduating to get an actor role. After several years as a voiceover actor, the corporation will advance you to the job of Actor, and after another few years, you will be promoted to Lead Movie Actor. To advance to Actor, you must hold the Voiceover job for at least six years after you receive it. Constantly work till the fame bar shows up for you, which will develop your character into a true movie lead actor.
Once you’ve established yourself as an actor, you’ll need to push ahead with your social networks. Be sure to post content often to stay in touch with your fans and grow your popularity. If you’re talented enough, you’ll be allowed to do promos, endorsement deals, advertisements, and score huge movie parts. Ensure that your physical and appearance ratings stay solid during your job to imize your chances of obtaining the lead actor role.
There are a few things to keep in mind before applying for the Voiceover Actor position. Start with a character with at least 80% look stats. Make sure to hit the gym, and go to the plastic surgeon as soon as you can afford them. Once you have high enough looks and completed high school, try looking for the Voiceover actor job. This can be a bit rare to show up on the career page. So make sure to refresh and keep checking back every time till you get one.
So that’s everything you need to know about how to become an actor in Bitlife. For more Bitlife tips and tricks, check out our Bitlife Guides on Gamer Tweak.