Microsoft not only announced its next-generation console’s name during The Game Awards 2019, but also unveiled the form of the console, too. The Xbox Series X, planned for release in late 2020, is a tall, box-shaped console. It’s more like a PC case than a game console in many regards, which is likely Microsoft’s intended message. But it also conveys a much larger size than other consoles, leading many potential buyers to ask whether it will fit in their setup.
To help potential Xbox Series X buyers get a better sense of the console’s size, user CrimsonNocturne of ResetEra has used available knowledge to create a digital model that can be compared to other consoles. It helps that the Xbox Series X console is basically a square if one looks down on it. It’s rather like a square tunnel designed to help push heat out of the console while still running as silent as can be managed. And with as much power is in the console, a lot of heat is created. That should explain why the console is shaped the way it is - to help heat be expelled so the console stays cool.
If one sets the Xbox Series X on its side, which Microsoft has already confirmed the console is capable of doing, it’s absolutely taller than other consoles. It’s technically about two of the already thick original Xbox One consoles tall. That’s approximately two and a half PS4 Pros tall, two and a third Xbox One Xs, or a bit more than three PS4 Slims. It’s not much longer than the Xbox One X or PS4 Pro, and it’s even less wide than the original Xbox One.
Where the Xbox Series X’s space is saved is in its depth. It has 1/3 to 1/2 less depth to it due to its square shape. As such, the Xbox Series X is less taking up more space than other consoles than it is taking up a different sort of space. For example, the Xbox Series X could probably fit on a standard bookshelf, whereas a PS4 or Xbox One would overhang badly or even fall from a shelf. The Xbox Series X may not fit into every person’s setup, but it does provide interesting new options where other consoles don’t.
The size of the Xbox Series X console remains unconfirmed and these comparisons are based on assumptions, so changes are absolutely possible in the year ahead. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting issue to consider. Microsoft is making a curious design choice that it believes is best for the health of its console. If it can achieve great heat management and power with quiet fan noise, Microsoft may have an additional selling point for the Xbox Series X over the PS5.
Expect more news regarding the Xbox Series X through 2020.
Source: ResetEra