Overwatch 2 has tons of fun game modes to make you rethink which hero you like the most; there’s Quick Play for the more casual players, Competitive for the ones who want to climb, as well as the fun Arcade and Custom games. With all these game modes you might be concerned that the file size is too big for your console/PC to handle. Here’s everything you need to know on how big the Overwatch 2 file size is.

Overwatch 2 Download and Install Size

The PC version of Overwatch 2 takes up 50 GB and the console version takes up 30 GB. Fourth generation consoles like the PS4 start at 500 GB of storage so it shouldn’t be a problem, but external hard drives are available in case of emergency.

Even if you’re downloading the game over a Wi-Fi connection, it shouldn’t take too long for you to download and install it in its entirety.

Future Overwatch 2 updates are expected to add a campaign to the game, so the storage requirements may increase. The campaign will probably have a similar feel to the Halloween Junkenstein event starting tomorrow but without the holiday theme. Exploring character stories should add some depth to the game by making heroes relatable through their personalities and flaws.

That’s everything we have on how much free space do I need to get Overwatch 2. Check out some of our other Overwatch 2 content like our official review, whether there’s cross-progression, and what MIT stands for.

Image Source: Blizzard Activision

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